Who We Are

Lunar is a self directed education project focused on play, nurture and creativity. We’re an Approved Provider with the LA so can accept and support children with EOTAS.

Our staff are trained, experienced and DBS checked. We’re trauma informed and neuro-affirming.

Our values are Trust, Respect, Consent, Collaboration and self-direction.

We believe learning is happening all the time, by providing lots of choice & options for play we are confident & trust children are learning what they need to learn.

We believe if children feel safe then they are able to explore and create. Relationships are mutually consensual, respect is one of our key values. Respect for self, for one another and for the environment we’re in.

Facilitators are there to support children to have courageous conversations, to navigate being in community and to model a love of life long learning and respect.

By creating a low demand, safe and mutually consensual, trauma informed environment, children are nourished, nurtured and therefore seem to thrive and heal. Disengaged isolated children’s self esteem is restored, they regain trust in adults and start to engage & contribute to their local community.

Lunar is embedded within the local community, working closely with specialist services and introducing children to local craftspeople, artists & entrepeneurs.